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Illustration by Nikita Abuya
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What does a gender-equal world look like to you? How do we create it? What do we need to learn and unlearn in order to ensure women, men, trans, and non-binary folks have equal access to opportunities worldwide?


The #ImagineEquality campaign digs deep into the multifaceted nature of gender equality and calls on all of us to stand up for a gender-equal world for all.  We’ll take a deeper look at the problems gender inequality has created and explore solutions.


Join STAND + USI to take action for gender equality globally. Together we’ll raise awareness about the global nature of gender inequality, and the ways in which it inhibits sustainable development as a whole; from the systemic deprivation of social resources and economic opportunities to the physical manifestations of inequality.#ImagineEquality recognises that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - quality education, no poverty, peace & justice, and so on - will only be possible in a world where women, men, trans, and non-binary folks have equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal access. 


By working together in solidarity, we can move our global community from imagining a world of equality to living in one. Take the #ImagineEquality pledge now and receive an action pack filled with ways to create a more equitable world. 

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Sign the #ImagineEquality pledge and join our network of students taking action for gender equality.


Gender Equality

The absence of discrimination on the basis of a person's gender in opportunities, the allocation of resources and benefits, or access to services (WHO). A state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making.

The fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between women and men and other gender identities. To ensure fairness, measures must often be put in place to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent people from operating on a level playing field. Equity is a mean. Equality is the result (UNESCO).

Gender-based Violence

Gender Equity

 Gender stereotypes and systems that uphold gender inequality lead to visible manifestations like gender-based violence. Globally, one in three women experience physical or sexual violence. Practices like FGM, domestic violence and image-based abuse are all examples of gender-based violence (UN Women).

Gender in Politics

As of 2020, men still control more than three-quarters of seats in single or lower house parliament around the world. An equal and sustainable world can’t be achieved without equal representation of women and marginalised gender identities in political arenas. 

Women continue to be paid 16 to 22 percent less than men, and women, on average, do three times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men, with long-term consequences for their economic security (UN WOMEN). Women's access to employment and education opportunities increase sustainable economic development.

Gender in Culture

Gender norms refer to social and cultural attitudes and expectations about which behaviors, preferences, products, professions or knowledges are appropriate for women, men and gender-diverse individuals, and can influence the development of policy, curriculum, science, technology, etc.

Gender in Economics

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