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Around the world, as cities have gone into lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put one vulnerable group more at risk.

Women and children who live with domestic violence have no escape from their abusers during quarantine. 

There are a number of charities you can donate to, who are working round the clock to support vulnerable people at this time:


Women’s Aid



Safe Ireland

There are still many unable to leave their homes through poor mobility and fear. When doing your shopping, purchase some fresh products for an older family member, friend or neighbour and deliver it to them - all while practising social distancing and safe hand hygiene.


You can also find volunteering opportunities below:



Corona virus volunteers Instagram 

COVID-19 action for Ireland

Cork COVID-19 volunteers for the vulnerable

Corona virus volunteers Dublin


Local GAA clubs are also organising volunteering opportunities across the country, contact yours today!

Find out more about this Sustainable Development Goal

SDG 5 Gender Equality
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
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